Get Started!
Here are some tips for making use of this iQerel website
- Explore the site itself and discover the information and content in the various themes, Ethical Practice, Wellbeing and Learning and their sections.
- If there is a particular section that interests you, you may wish to consider the Questions for Reflection and think about how these relate to your own professional practice.
- Each section also contains some links to, or suggestions of, further resources that may be useful and you may want to look at these.
- There is a Forum on the site to which can be accessed at the top tool bar. This would be a good place for you to ask questions of other site user. You may have a specific question or you may wish to start a discussion on a particular theme that interests you.
- If you are interested in finding out more about iQerel then do use the contact address on the home page to send us any questions.
If you would like to give the project team some feedback about the resource and how useful or interesting it is then do please send this to the contact address on the home page.